Category Archives: Q&A and Contemporary Issues

Oral Torah: An Introduction

In this first of a series on Oral Torah we begin with asking the very basic questions: What is the Oral Torah comprised of? How does the Oral Torah relate to the Written Torah? How can we be certain of its veracity?

Core Beliefs of Judaism with Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe – Torah Part 19

Proofs of Divinity of Torah Part 7

In this 7th and final episode of our examination of the evidence to try and determine if the Torah is indeed the unadulterated word of God, we explore the interrelationship of the Written and Oral Torah and ask if such cohesion and precision can be the product of a human.







Core Beliefs of Judaism with Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe – Torah Part 18

Is Believing in the Supernatural Irrational? How to Build a Rational Life Philosophy

This part 6 of the Proofs of Torah series, and Part 17 of the Torah Series overall. In this podcast we analyze and investigate select Torah verses and ponder the feasibility of human authorship.

Core Beliefs of Judaism with Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe – Torah Part 17

Three Avenues to Eternity

Performance of Mitzvahs earns a person a portion in Olam Haba. How does that work? In this podcast we examine various Jewish sources that establish the three distinct ways someone can achieve Olam Haba via mitzvahs.

Overwhelming Evidence to the Divinity of the Torah and its Ramifications

The reality of the Torah being divine and immutable can be agitating and frankly a bit terrifying. As the word of God, every word of the Torah is true and obligatory, and that may trigger cognitive dissonance if we do not behave in a way that reflects that reality. It is vital to recognize that only two possibilities exist: the Torah as a divine document or the product of humans. While the Torah being true can be frightening, the alternative is implausible, even more terrifying and, in a sense, exceedingly cruel. In this podcast we continue our exploration of the subject by looking at the Torah’s Revelation narrative and several select predictions.

Core Beliefs of Judaism with Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe – Torah Part 16

Innovating the Torah Nation: Why Some Changes to Jewish Life and Practice Succeed while Others Fail

Torah, in its Oral and Written formats, has and always will be the national pastime of the Jewish nation. Traditionally, it has been the yearnings of young Jews and chief determinant of greatness of Jewish Leaders. Over the course of Jewish history there have been several movements that challenged that belief and attempted to alter the traditional view of Torah; or to supplant its primacy in favor of other ideals; or to emphasize certain elements of Jewish living. Some were wild successes that continue to define Jewish life until today and others were disasters that caused needless sectarianism and strife. In this lecture we examine some of the schisms/innovations throughout Jewish history including the Sadducees, Essenes, Karaites, the Shabtai Tzvi debacle, Chassidim and it’s great dynasties, Reform, Chabadism and its Messianic ambitions, disappointments and disillusionments.

The Millions of Eyewitness Testimonies to The Veracity, Accuracy and Historicity of the Torah

The binary question of the authorship of the Torah is the most critical question that every Jew must encounter in their lives. The answer to that question governs every action and decision that we will be making afterwards. Unfortunately, most people do not ever investigate and ponder that question properly. In Part 3 of our deep dive into this topic we examine and explore some of the classic and incontrovertible evidence that the Torah is indeed what it purports to be – the word of the Living God.

Core Beliefs of Judaism with Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe – Torah Part 14

A Traditional Jewish Response to Higher Bible Criticism Part 2

We continue in our efforts to expose the fallacies of the claims of the Bible Critics. It indeed is preposterous to be intellectually honest and well informed on the issues and believe that their conclusions hold water.

Part One:

Core Beliefs of Judaism with Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe – Torah Part 13

The Torah as a Divine Document: An Analysis of Higher Bible Criticism and why the Authorship of the Torah Matters

This is the first lecture that revolves around the question of who wrote the Torah and how can we prove our conclusions. In the first session we clarify what the traditional belief is regarding the authorship of the Written and Oral Torah and engage with contemporary critics who question it.

Core Beliefs of Judaism with Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe – Torah Part 12

Creating New Worlds with Torah

This is the last of 11 lectures on why Jews study Torah.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5:

Part 6:

Part 7:

Part 8:

Part 9:

Part 10:


Core Beliefs of Judaism with Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe – Torah Part 11