Eikev – Shock and Awe

Flashy achievements make the news. Great triumphs, awesome deeds, transcendent moments grab our attention and seize our imagination. Humdrum acts fail to stir excitement. But when we are devising a strategy for how to prepare our ladder of ascension, it may be ill-advised to pursue quantum leaps of greatness. In fact the most effective process to transformative greatness is slow and gradual and dotted with seeming unremarkable, bite-sized micro movements up a very tall ladder. This idea is hinted to in Rashi’s first comment to our Parsha. When we analyze other parts of the Parsha, we see a variety of angles as to why the slow and unremarkable path is optimal. In this wonderful Parsha podcast, we also take deep and penetrating dive into the mysterious and esoteric world of the nature first set of tablets that Moshe and brought down from heaven, their shattering, and their pending reclamation.

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This Parsha Podcast is dedicated in honor of a new baby – Mason Robert Seidman, the first grandchild of my dear friend Bruce Licht. May young Mason bring pride and joy to his family, community, and Creator.

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