Vezos Haberacha – An Offer You Can Refuse (5782)

The final Parsha of the Torah contains the blessing of Moshe to the nation, his death, burial, and eulogy. Rashi tells us that his blessing began with a recounting of the offer of the Torah to the Nations and to Israel. Before the Sinai Revelation, God offered the Torah to every other Nation, and they all refused. Only our people accepted. What is the salience of this anecdote? Why must we be told about God’s offer of the Torah to the other nations? Why, in fact, was the offer rejected? In this final episode of year six of the Parsha Podcast, we learn about this offer and what it teaches us about the essential difference between our nation and the other nations, and what Torah is designed to do to us.

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Tablets and Tabernacle: The Revelation of Sukkos

The Jewish holidays are not evenly spaced out. They appear in bunches. A mere five days after Yom Kippur comes the seven-day (truthfully nine when you tally everything) Festival of Sukkos (appendaged by Shemini Atzeres and Simchas Torah). The next Festival (excluding the Rabbinic holidays of Chanukah and Purim) does not occur for six months. What is the connection between Sukkos and the days that precede it? What is the profound message at the heart of this Festival? Why is it the only Festival that is commemorated at a different calendar date than the events it is recalling? In this special Sukkos podcast we explore a powerful and deep element of these days.

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This special Sukkos Podcast is dedicated in loving memory and leilui nishmas Gershon Ben Charles, whose Yahrzeit is today. Gershon Ben Charles, the father of our dear friend Adam Chuckrow, was a special man with a strong Jewish identity who lived by the dictum of Hillel, “do not unto others what you despise,” and we dedicate our Torah study today in his loving memory. May his Soul be elevated in Heaven.

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Parshas Vezos Haberacha (Rebroadcast)

The final parsha of the Torah details the blessings that Moshe conveyed to the tribes of Israel immediately prior to his passing, and the Torah ends with the description of the death, burial, and eulogy of Moshe.

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Jonah: The Yom Kippur Reading on a Deeper Level (Rebroadcast)

On Yom Kippur afternoon, we read the 48-verse Book of Jonah, which tells of a renegade prophet, Jonah, who defies the directive of God and refuses to castigate the people of Nineveh and instead escapes from God to Tarshish – with mixed results. A simple reading of the story reveals a tale of repentance, both of the protagonist, Jonah, and of the people of Nineveh. But our Sages let us in on a secret that the Book of Jonah contains a  hidden, kabbalistic story embedded beneath the story – which also teaches us powerful, topical messages for the Day of Atonement.

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Ethics Podcast Conclusion Message

Speech at celebratory lunch at Genesis Steakhouse in Houston, TX to mark the completion of the Book Ethics and the Ethics Podcast.

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Purpose of Creation (6:11)

With endless praise to the Almighty for all goodness that he has done for us, we hereby present the final episode of the Ethics podcast. We began this project 7 years ago and now, thanks to the boundless help from the Almighty, we have finally finished this grand initiative  May the Almighty continue to give us strength and resolve to study His holy Torah and may we be worthy of absorbing its timeless lessons.

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This Ethics podcast, the final Ethics podcast of our Ethics podcast series, is dedicated by an anonymous dear friend and supporter of the Ethics podcast and of TORCH, in recognition of my hard work and in the merit of the hostages still held captive in Gaza. May our Torah study serve as a merit for them. May they be protected and saved and rejoin their families really soon.

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The Six Impetuses for Repentance

Repentance draws a person out of darkness into eternal light. It transforms the penitent into a completely new person. But how exactly does repentance work? How do you repent? What are the various elements and facets of repentance? The authoritative book on these questions, Shaarei Teshuva, the Gates of Repentance, was written in the 13th century by Rabbeinu Yonah of Gerona. In this special 10 days of repentance edition of the podcast, we explore the very profound and powerful section of this book that deals with the impetuses of repentance.  Join us as we prepare for Yom Kippur and strive to improve ourselves with the power and the magic of repentance.

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Haazinu – Trees with 70 Branches

Parshas Hazinu is one of the most fascinating, poetic, and richly profound Parshas in the Torah. It is also arguably the most mysterious one. The majority of the Parsha is the Song of Haazinu, an intricate tapestry of prophecies that encapsulate the grand scope of Jewish history. The commentators on this Parsha strive to even understand the basic meaning of its words. In this penultimate episode of the 8th cycle of the Parsha podcast, focus on the commentary of the Ohr HaChaim. While we don’t go through the entirety of his magisterial commentary, we select five magnificent comments from this work. What we discover is an absolutely profound study of scope and depth and insight. I could think of know no finer way to end the Parsha podcast year of 5784 than to plumb into the depth of this song as explained by the legendary Ohr Hachaim.

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This Parsha Podcast is dedicated in honor of our parents Drs. David and Susanne Gelb from the Gelb, Goldman and Shacknofsky families. Wishing them and all of Klal Yisrael a Shana Tova Umetuka, a good and sweet New Year. May this learning also be in merit of Meshulam ben David, Shayndel bat David, Avner ben Avraham HaCohen and Avraham ben Menachem Mendel HaKohen may their Neshamas have an Aliyah. 

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The Rosh Hashana Torah Reading – Day Two (Rebroadcast)

On the second day of Rosh Hashana, we read the Torah section of Genesis chapter 22 that tells the very famous and quite troubling episode of the Binding of Isaac. Abraham – the same Abraham who railed against the ways of child sacrifice of the pagans – is instructed by God to take Isaac – the same Isaac who was declared as the one who will be Abraham’s true progeny – and offer him as a sacrifice on Mount Moriah. In this podcast we attempt to understand the many connections that this reading has with the themes and ideas of Rosh Hashana.

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The Rosh Hashana Torah Reading – Day One (Rebroadcast)

The Torah readings for the two days of Rosh Hashana were not arbitrarily chosen. There are very good reasons why on the first day of Rosh Hashana we read Genesis chapter 21, which tells of the conception and birth of Isaac, and the banishment of Ishmael, his brush with death, and his salvation. In this podcast we attempt to understand the many connections that this reading has with the themes and ideas of Rosh Hashana.

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Haazinu – Torrential Torah (5782)

The Song of Haazinu, the third of three Songs on the Torah, tells the story of the Jewish people, past, present, and future. It speaks of high points and nadirs, this world and the next, devastation and reclamation. In this podcast we examined the Song’s beginning. Moshe compares his words and his speech to rain, dew, stormy, windy, showers, and soft droplets. Our Sages explained that Torah is comparable to the many varieties of rain and precipitation. What is Torah all about? How do we benefit from it? Why can’t we always see it’s impact? What is at stake as we approach Torah study? This sweeping episode we survey the many ways in which Torah is related to the many varieties of precipitation.

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The Gates of Repentance

The Ten Days of Repentance are upon us. In just a few days is the Day of Judgment, Rosh Hashanah. These powerful high holidays culminate with the climax of Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. What exactly is repentance though? How are we supposed to think about repentance? In this very special podcast, we study a few sections of the most foundational book on repentance, the Gates of Repentance, authored in the 13th century by Rabbi Yonah of Girona. Although we only cover a tiny fraction of this magisterial book, we gain a flavor of this seminal work that will recast our understanding of repentance and will elevate the High Holidays. Though this book is not for the faint of heart, it is very powerful and transformational.

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