Shelach – Enter Via the Window (5782)

One of the most unfortunate events in our history is chronicled in this week’s Parsha. The nation was on the doorstep of entering the Land of Canaan and actualizing the promise made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. In an effort to not to rely on Divine miracles, Moshe commissioned 12 righteous men to reconnoiter the Land. The report that they returned with was devastating, eventually leading to the nation being condemned to spend 40 years in the wilderness. That storyline is told in our Parsha’s beginning. It then transitions to talk about something very different: libations in sacrifices, the challah gift given to the Kohein, sacrifices for egregious sins, an episode of a person who gathered twigs on Shabbos resulting in his execution, and finally we read the third paragraph of the Shema, which talks about the Mitzvah of Tzitzis. Is there a central theme in our Parsha? On the surface it seems that the answer is no. In this podcast, we swim deep beneath the surface and discover some gems.

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This Parsha Podcast is dedicated in loving memory and leilui Nishmas Yosef Binyamin ben Avraham Chaim, George Topas, whose fourth Yartzeit falls out on 19th of Sivan, the day that this podcast is being released.

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