Category Archives: Q&A and Contemporary Issues

A Traditional Response to Higher Bible Criticism

In the 19th Century a collection of German scholars promulgated a theory as to the authorship of the Torah- the Documentary Hypothesis. How does it differ from the traditional Jewish perspective and can we reconcile their evidence? In this podcast Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe presents a traditional Jewish response to Bible Criticism.

Are we Better Off: Retreading the Multi-Year Debate between the Schools of Hillel and Shammai

The rabbis taught: for two and a half years the academies of Shammai and Hillel debated, these arguing “it is preferable for man to not be created more than to be created”, and these arguing “it is preferable for man to be created more than to not be created”. They counted (voted) and concluded: “it is preferable for man to not be created more than to be created. Now that he was indeed created he should contemplate his actions. Alternatively, he should scrutinize his actions.” (Eruvin 13b)