Tazria – Torah In A Box

The bulk of our Parsha deals with the inapplicable laws of purity and impurity, but we also told about a Mitzvah that is very much applicable today: circumcision. When a baby boy is 8 days old, they are circumcised and thereby entered into the Covenant of Abraham. What is the meaning behind this Mitzvah? Why, in fact, are we altering the product given to us by God? In this Very special edition of the Parsha Podcast, I share what I said at the Bris (circumcision ceremony) of my son, Yisrael Meir Wolbe. For the exquisite insight segment, I am joined by my daughter, Miriam, who shared the saga of her lost camera and the lessons that she learned. This is a very Wolbe-family-centric episode, but I’m convinced that you will enjoy it.

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